The 45th Capablanca Memorial takes place in Havana, Cuba 9th-22nd June 2010. The Elite Group will see Vassily Ivanchuk who won the event three times in a row 2005-7 back alongside Evgeny Alekseev, Ian Nepomniatchi, Nigel Short and Leinier Dominguez and Lazaro Bruzon, the Cuban representatives.
Меж тем Вася уверенно порвал Мемориал
Наши искренние поздравления Василию Михайловичу!!!
Final standings:
1. GM Ivanchuk Vassily UKR 2741 - 7.0
2. GM Nepomniachtchi Ian RUS 2695 - 6.0
3. GM Dominguez Perez Leinier CUB 2713 - 5.5
4. GM Short Nigel ENG 2685 - 5.5
5. GM Bruzon Batista Lazaro CUB 2668 - 3.0
6. GM Alekseev Evgeny RUS 2700 - 3.0